Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ridiculous. . .

. . . is how I would describe my current ride. As in, no, my car wasn't stolen, but yes, it is still being cantankerous and more parts had to be ordered. So I have a rental. All so I could make it to class today to show my students the documentary, Baraka. (Which, incidentally, I came across at a Meacham party, courtesy of Ata. It is truly amazing. The baby chick part had them all horrified. I think it's one of the most beautiful parts. But then again, isn't terror a direct correlation to beauty?)

(Kunta Kinte on the iTunes right now.)

Anyway, back to the ride. A completely decked out brand new luxury SUV. That's all I'm saying. It is insane to drive. Bumps mean nothing. Places in the road where before I would leap joyfully up in the seat, I don't even notice. What is even crazier, is the whole "rich" feeling, one that I am not entirely sure I am comfortable with. I actually like my own car better now. Yeah, it's old. Yeah, it's falling apart. And no, it hasn't been washed in a few months. (But, we're in a drought people.) But all those quirks are just part of the car. I've had it for six years. It's outlasted every relationship I've ever had. I think it deserves some new stickers or something. Anyone direct me to a place in Wilmington where I could attain some of these?

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