Friday, October 12, 2007

have lost my voice . . .

. . . and also apparently my sanity. Or sense of decorum? Or impeccable sense of character? (Hah, if I had that, well, there are books that can be written on the time and trouble I would have saved - mostly in high school, but in other patches of life too.)

Doris Lessing has won the Nobel. I know her by name, but not by work, and so I am sort of glad a lesser known writer has taken the prize because it will help shoot her out of obscurity. Looking forward to reading her work.

Also, Al Gore won. Of course. Can you say validation? Because honestly, I don't which upsets me more - the ignorant people who voted for Bush (you know who you are, and we both know you aren't reading this blog), or the ignorant people who don't give a shit about the environment (you know who you are, and many of you are reading this blog, and honestly people, you can't shit in your bed and expect it not to get messed up).

On tap for the weekend - copious amounts of studying and other various domestic chores. I should write more.

Oh, and official thanks to the guest poetry editor Jared Smith at The Pedestal Magazine for selecting my poem to be included. They have been amazingly supportive - go check them out.


Anonymous said...

Can't lose your sanity if you never had it!!! Sorry darling had to do it to you! LOL To easy I know.

Ugh Bush votes! I've been spending a shit load of time in Colorado Springs now, I hate it! Way to many Bush votes, and decent church going Christians with their mean pinch bitter evil faces! Its funny I never see happy looking religious people, well thats a lie, I do see some but they give off that way to happy vibe. You know, Ned Flanders, Mason family! UGH!

Yeah damn it Doris beat me I was in the running for the Nobel also, oh wait they don't give that away for what I do, hee hee

Anonymous said...

Wait had to reread this one, how did you lose your voice? If you title the blog that shouldn't you say how you lost it?