Saturday, June 23, 2007

no conures, no more . . .

. . . I have conures. Two of them. And, yes, they are loud. I should have gotten doves.

But I didn't. I have a nanday (notoriously the most destructive and vocal bird ever) and a green cheek (notoriously a biter). They both live up to their reputations.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not overreacting or being overly sensitive to their behavior. They are just obnoxious. This must be what it is like to have teenagers. (I say this tongue in cheek by the way. I love teenagers! They go so well with a balsamic vinaigrette.)

No, I am not comparing my birds to teenagers to food. I would never jest.

All I am getting at is that I am not the one with the problem here. The birds are just annoying. What an amazing (and seven year long) revelation!

***Here at poethussy, we strive for a balanced reporting of life, and delight in the small won battles/revelations.

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