. . . drama continues. The freaking door. Always the door. I should have gone with my original plan, and had them remove the door instead of fixing it. Yes, it would have a bit chilly driving around, but here is a perfect example of how global warming could be working for me.
Going away for the weekend. Luckily, not with my stupid car.
Will possibly have pictures of the thing I was going to tell you about, but haven't yet, soon. Maybe early next week. We'll see. It all depends. On various factors having nothing to do with anything real or even imagined. I just like messing with you.
Ah, poetry in motion.
That's what you get for not decorated your car with obnoxious refrigerator magnets. Doors are so cruel. I never have trusted doors. They are extremely jealous of windows. It's strange considering windows are usual so transparent.
Well, have a spirited excursion. There's nothing like a carefree and car-free weekend.
Incidentally, another positive outcome that will derive from the aftereffects of global warming is more spring break options. Life is a beach, right?
i hope this surprise is what we talked about before. i got a new one a few weeks ago. can't wait to see yours.
It's not! But good guess. I promise that you in particular won't be surprised when I post the pics. :)
oh. well then. it must be something from the animal kingdom. i can't wait to meet (virtually) this new addition.
incidentally, i returned from thanksgiving in chattanooga with a 4th dog...a boomerang, as i say. adopted her out 4 years ago, but circumstances changed and she needed a safe and stable environment. can you actually see the word "sucker" on my forehead from wilmington? i imagine that it's visible from space like the great wall of china. i've got pictures of the whole crew on facebook. check em out.
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