. . . that I haven't had a chance to blog. Or bathe. Or read for pleasure. Or shop for Christmas. Or clean.
Okay, kidding about the bathing thing.
Grading and listening to UNCTV and their pledge drive, which means the horrid crappy pledge pleas in between the programming. Whatever. Right now they are doing the Doo-Wop thing. How is it that I know every single one of these songs? It isn't like I have ever intentionally listened to Doo-Wop. But I love it. All of it. Great stuff.
Okay, back to the grind. And the coffee.
I think I could enjoy Doo-Wop shows more if all the performers didn't wear matching tuxedos.
Yeah, I hear you on the tuxedo issue. But since any of them can outdance me, tuxedo or no, I don't think I'll make too much of a fuss.
Well put--Anyone that can execute a choreographed dance routine while singing "bop-she-bop-she-bop" and "dip-de-dip-de-dip" is free to wear a penguin suit.
Yeah, it’s all in the "boogity boogity boogity" I suppose.
I need to find some happy shoes.
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