. . . with my car. Today. At a strip mall. Couldn't get in. Door lock sticks. Door lock is automatic, only responds to the key if key is inserted and twisted the right way. Key lock is a fickle lover.
Me (in my head): Oh my God, no.
Me (out loud): Fuck!
Me (in my head): I hate this car, I really, really, really hate this car.
My passenger door unlocks. [This is a new occurrence that only started happening when the driver's side door stopped working. But why? I don't care about my passengers. If there is a fire in the car you can bet your ass I'm getting myself out. ]
I decide not to look around to whomever could be witnessing my struggle with the lock. Crawl in through passenger side, over huge lumpy armrest (which does move, but I forget). Furiously poke button from inside of door. Still won't budge. Effectively trapped.
Still need to drive to store. Store is in same parking lot. Drive over, with nonchalance. Surely, during the ten seconds it takes to make it to Harry T's my door will miraculously work again.
I park, shut off engine. Bush button. It doesn't work. Am officially trapped. Parking lot is rather busy, and I feel expected to make a normal exit from my car. Frantically turn to cell phone, randomly look through numbers. No one to call. Revert to pretending I am listening to messages (ah, how low we sink) and trying to ignore the fact that the car is now heating up and I am about to die in a parking lot full of people because I am too prideful to crawl out the passenger side and would prefer to look as though I know exactly what I am doing and in what temperature I am doing it in.
Look hatefully at door. Push button again. It unlocks.
1 comment:
A ha that really sucks, hey I can fix that for you ummm problem is your more then a short drive away, also while I don't know what you drive now but it'd cost you at least 400 bucks worth of gas plus everytime you have pull over and get gas you might not be able to get back into you ride, probably be easier to get it fixed locally.
Funny side note, first sentence second to last paragraph, "I park, shut off engine. Bush Button." that man is always on your mind huh? the B and P are pretty far away from each other on the keyboard. Hell you don't even use the same finger to hit those, also you capitalized the B, hee hee. :)
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