Sunday, October 21, 2007

the unforgettable fire . . .

. . . in the cd player, finally replacing Amy Winehouse. Although, I must say, I do go through phases with music. Amy's been in there since school began basically. But every once in a while I get on this U2 kick - older U2, when they weren't popmarting themselves with lemons in zoos. This is nostalgic, longing, mournful music. Thinking music.

Although I think I have found a way to get Amy Winehouse in the classroom. My 8th grade history teacher, Chuck, would bring in music to elucidate a lesson. Studying the Civil War? How about a little Guns 'N Roses. Dealing with the Depression and the Dust Bowl? Nothing like Bruce Springsteen to really bring the lesson home. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I see how many of his classroom techniques I actually use. Although, I've never tossed a chalkboard eraser at student - not yet. I should add that he was throwing it at two of his favorite students (me and a friend) who were probably shooting off at the mouth (yeah, I can pretty much guarantee that) and it was a friendly throw (it hit the blinds, in a cloud of dust). My aim is so bad though - I'd probably wind up beaning the wrong student.

In another twist of irony, speaking of that old friend, I just wrote a poem that pretty much has her as a central figure, although I haven't really thought much about her in years. But it was this thing she used to do - and it somehow caught my imagination. It probably isn't the nicest portrait of a person, but it sure does explain a lot about human nature.

And poetry - I have come to the conclusion that I am not good at scanning poems. My ear refuses to hear the stressed/unstressed part of meter. I can pretty much tell just by hearing if it is iambic, but in trying to deduce if there is a trochee or spondee tossed in, I can't really rely on how I hear it. Maybe this is one of those things that requires years of study, of tuning one's ear to the nuances of the language. Surely it was easier for poets who were writing back in the day before free verse took over, and everything started to sound like iambic, regardless of how the poet tried to make it sound. I am rather irked about this, because it is something I want to actively consider in my revisions. But I already know I don't hear things quite the way they sound sometimes, which can be rather annoying when I am trying to say certain words. (Measure is always a problem.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The funny part is I liked U2's Zooropa and the silly Lemon suits, remember at the end of the decade (89')Bono said now its time to go and invent it all over again. That being said I think they hit the mark with Achtung Baby, Zooropa however takes some open mindedness and you kind of have to listen to it over and over again before you start to really get into it. Smiles

Awe Chuck! That man rocked as a teacher, I saw him back in August (don't know if you saw the pics) I has missed him. He spoke of our days in class, he no longer teaches, says he misses it tremendously. The school has become as he said just like all the other schools, the magic is gone. He said he had to fight to keep peace day going, can you imaging a year at vas without peaceday? Booo! He's trying to bring back, "that feeling" vas use to have. I also thanked him deeply for making me a fan of the boss, Bruce rocks! Make me wanna wear blue jeans.
So who is this friend you speak of in this blog? I probably knew her, can I read the poem?