. . . dead American soldiers and counting. When did we get over 4000? I didn't even know this until I was watching Face the Nation this morning. Seems that the war has dropped off the radar lately with the recession. Carolyn Kennedy endorsed Obama. Just the other day I was mentioning how he reminded me of JFK. The energy, the youthful boyishness with a twist. I still cannot decide between candidates. I doubt I am the only one. The thing is, I would support either Hillary or Barack. Fully. With Hillary we get Bill. With Barack we get to watch those two adorable kids grow up. (Yes, I know, that is not an equal comparison. Get off my back already.) Still interested in the support that Ron Paul has with the general public, and still baffled why on earth this man selected to run in the Republican party. Except that as a GOP candidate he has a better shot. He should just pull a Ross Perot.
Heath Ledger is dead and Amy Winehouse is in rehab. What is it about talent that pulls some people under? (This is a rhetorical question.)
Poem accepted the other day. A fabulous publication. Two friends in it as well, and honestly, I have no idea who else. Will announce shortly. What pleases me is that it is a poem that I took huge experimental risks on in workshop last semester. Then I switched it back to a more Jenesque style. But they accepted the wild version. Giving them the option of the other, and we'll see which they prefer.
House hunting this weekend - there are some really amazing homes in Wilmington. And then there are the not so. . . But it is time to get out of the apartment, to get a house with a yard. Dogs! Lots and lots of dogs! I'm excited. The cats. . . not so much. Dakota would prefer to live a dogfree life. (Speaking of which, I think I may have found a way around that pesky tattoo quandary. More on that later. Maybe.)
Off to write.
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