. . . well, the Juice is back in court. It's almost like deja vu. Wait a minute! Yeah. Still guilty as hell. Still dumb as shit.
The dollar is as popular as Bush these days. This irks me. With the price of a barrel of oil soon to reach a trillion dollars per, I am curtailing my much desired wish to return to Europe this upcoming summer. I blame Bush. Why the heck not?
On a positive note, the poetry is really coming along quite nicely. I cannot believe how close to the end of the semester we are. The revising process is insane. Mostly for the fact that I am seeing ways to rework poems that I never would have considered before. A way to realign the thought process in my poems that in inherent, if not always mappable. Now it may be both. Very exciting stuff. Indeed.
Other very important news: Lucy, my somewhat reticent/evil cat, is starting to warm up to the whole having her side rubbed. Her head no longer spins around and she isn't spitting out green goo anymore. The eyes still flash red, but whatever. Working slowly toward the whole belly rub thing. Who says you can't 'train' cats? Hah! I have the scratches to prove you can.
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